As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
October Extras
8 years ago
My first memory of you is when you first moved into the neighborhood. When your family spoke in church, I could NOT believe how young you looked! I seriously thought you were one of David's kids! (Sorry, David - I luv ya.) You still look young - WAY too young to have grown children and grandchildren. I hate you.
There are just too many to choose from but I guess I am going to have to go with a more tender memory. I had a huge crush on that Jonny kid in high school and I was too shy to talk to anybody about it but after the year would end and I got my year book we would sit out by your pool and look through it and talk about the crush. It always made me feel good about myself to talk to you.
Okay. I'll do a memory, but it's so hard to choose one. I've known you since, well, day one.
I'll choose a recent one, but one I've been thinking lately, so it fits. I was overdue with Sally and we were trying to induce labor. We went on a walk and got to the end of the neighborhood. This is usually where I turn around and go home. You looked into the wooded area behind the houses, and wanted to see what was back there. This thought never even occured to me, but it was just natural to you. We walked for quite a while (it really was, right? Not just my pregnancy talking?) and ended up in our old neighborhood. Bill came and picked us up. I just loved that you wanted to go adventuring when I had not even thought about it.
I meant to do this a long time ago and then forgot, sorry! I have a million memories. All of them involve doing something fun. Swimming, pool basketball, volleyball, softball, basketball, hiking, camping, and more camping, boating, sleepovers, and just hanging out talking.
I have similar memories as Kathryn. It is so easy to talk to you and as a teenager I remember talking to you about things that were bugging me and you always made me feel so much better.
Another memory is sitting in your car before regional ball games, and pumping we will rock you as loud as we could and all singing to it.
I also remember the memory you left on Kathryn's blog where she made the free throws at the end of the game, except I thought we had won because of the way we were cheering and going crazy at the end. Sad that we got creamed! That didn't happen very often, you were a pretty awesome coach!
I remember at camp when Kat and I had to make a Turkey in a make shift oven and it wasn't going so well. I was scared to death, but I pretended I knew what I was doing. I think it turned out okay. I don't think anyone came down with food poisoning. I can't believe you guys trusted us to do that!!!!
Okay, I have a ton more but I will leave it at that. Thanks for being such an awesome person!
I remember being such a poor sport during volley ball and acting like a brat during a particular practice while you were helping me hit the ball right. You were consistent and knew that I could do it better I ended up loving to play with the young women in our ward. The sports and camp really brought us all together and we were lucky to have such a strong bond.
I've been thinking about you and Dave lately. We just had the Woodward Dream Cruise and saw a lot of cool cars driving up and down the bug street by our house. I know Dave would have loved it.
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